How Scoliosis Curvature Posture Treated By Chiropractors In San Diego?
Scoliosis curvature posture is usually in the thoracic or thoracolumbar spine (upper back or mid back), if a rib hump or asymmetry of the lumbar spine is found, or if the shoulders are different heights, it is possible that the individual has scoliosis. The scoliosis curvature posture is typically lateral in nature, meaning that it shifts the spine to one side or another in an S or C shape. is condition is also associated with poor posture; in fact, scoliosis is the cause of poor posture in many cases.
A scoliosis curvature posture is so extreme (often resembling the letter C or S) that it can impact normal functionality and lead to a good deal of back pain. On the other hand, if the scoliosis curvature is within a certain range, there are various options available such as rehabilitation, physiotherapy, chiropractic and spinal bracing. Adults may develop functional scoliosis curvature posture in the presence of severe muscle spasm caused by muscle strain, another injury, or degeneration of the spine. This is significant as the muscles on the inside of a scoliosis curvature posture are found to be shortened and weakened due to an increase in muscle tone.
Scoliosis: What You Need to Know
Scoliosis is not a disease, but rather it is a term used to describe any abnormal, sideways curvature of the spine. Viewed from the back, a typical spine is straight. When scoliosis occurs, the spine can curve in one of three ways:
- The spine curves to the side as a single curve to the left (shaped like the letter C), called levoscoliosis
- The spine curves to the side as a single curve to the right (shaped like a backwards letter C), called dextroscoliosis
- The spine has two curves (shaped like the letter S).
Idiopathic scoliosis rarely causes pain, and in most cases the curve is minor enough to be considered an asymmetry and does not require any treatment. However, once scoliosis is detected it should be closely monitored by a medical professional in the event that the curve progresses and needs treatment.
Because the skeletons of children and young adults grow quickly, there is a reasonable chance that if a curve is detected, the degree of the spinal curve may worsen as the spine continues to grow. In those cases, scoliosis treatment may become advisable. Rarely (in 0.2 to 0.5% of all cases), untreated scoliosis can progress to where it restricts space in the ribcage needed for optimal heart and lung function. Read more here.
Because the body is designed to function with a spine that’s straight and properly aligned, scoliosis curvature can result in strains and inflammation that can cause pain and other symptoms in the back and elsewhere throughout the body.
What Causes Scoliosis?
There are many types and causes of scoliosis, including:
Congenital scoliosis. Caused by a bone abnormality present at birth.
Neuromuscular scoliosis. A result of abnormal muscles or nerves. Frequently seen in people with spina bifida or cerebral palsy or in those with various conditions that are accompanied by, or result in, paralysis.
Degenerative scoliosis. This may result from traumatic (from an injury or illness) bone collapse, previous major back surgery, or osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).
Idiopathic scoliosis. The most common type of scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, has no specific identifiable cause. There are many theories, but none have been found to be conclusive. There is, however, strong evidence that idiopathic scoliosis is inherited.Approximately 2% to 3% of Americans at age 16 have scoliosis. Less than 0.1% have spinal curves measuring greater than 40 degrees, which is the point at which surgery becomes a consideration. Overall, girls are more likely to be affected than boys. Idiopathic scoliosis is most commonly a condition of adolescence affecting those ages 10 through 16. Idiopathic scoliosis may progress during the “growth spurt” years, but usually will not progress during adulthood. See more here.
A scoliosis curvature is most often a unilateral rotation dysfunction, so the exercises needed to correct it must be done in the opposite direction to counteract the curvatures.
Scoliosis Exercises and Natural Treatment Plan
This is particularly important, because after diagnoses, many patients and their concerned families are given one of three scoliosis treatment options: either “wait and watch” the spine for progression, use spinal bracing or undergo surgery — all of which pose risks and don’t always solve the underlying problem.
Scoliosis causes the spine to abnormally curve in an S- or C-shaped way, but normally no treatment is initially prescribed for scoliosis or action taken until the Cobb angle of the spine has progressed to 25 degrees. This is called the “watch and wait” period and consists only of regular visits to an orthopedic surgeon along with frequent X-rays to monitor progress. The problem is that during this time a patient could benefit most from chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic spinal exercises or nonsurgical interventions because the disorder is still in its mild stages.
For scoliosis patients to make the best decision about their treatment plans, they ultimately need to have all the necessary information available to them — plus also realize that surgery and bracing cannot be undone. Spinal surgery is permanent, and a patient cannot regain lost time due to watching or waiting. It’s also very difficult to fix muscles that have gotten weaker due to bracing or reverse body compensations and complications that often occur with scoliosis. Read full article here.
Scoliosis Curvature Posture Can Affect Any Part Of The Spine
Treatment, counselling, and support can help children and adolescents adjust and deal with negative feelings and concerns. The severity of the scoliosis curvature posture is measured in degrees by comparing the curves to “normal” angles. These curves can’t be corrected simply by learning to stand up straight. You can’t cause scoliosis; it does not come from carrying heavy backpacks, participating vigorously in sports, or poor posture.
The imbalance causes the patients to compensate by bending their hips and knees to try and maintain an upright posture. The majority of adults with scoliosis curvature posture do not have disabling symptoms and can be managed with simple measures. Learn about exercises that can improve posture and strengthen the muscles that support the spine. For more information on how can Chiropractor San Diego treat scoliosis curvature posture, you may call us here: (619) 831-8777 prompt treatment will usually prevent the condition from worsening.
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The post Scoliosis Curvature Posture: Causes And Treatments appeared first on Chiropractor San Diego Mission Valley.
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